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K-9 Mechanics Dog Training

Royal Oak's Premier Choice for Advanced Obedience Training


Techniques that yield quick yet lasting results for years to come!”


Meet the Trainer: Katie Fern

Katie Fern has been working in the pet industry for over 18 years. As a high school and college student she worked in vet offices, groomers, boarders, and even the zoo! She has a passion for animals that extends through each and every facet of her life. After college Katie attended National K-9 Learning Center where she completed the master training course and became a certified professional trainer. (CPT).

Invisible Fence Training

Katie worked 10 years for Invisible Fence where she developed the in-home obedience program that is now used throughout the country. Katie was in charge of training other Invisible Fence trainers for dealerships across the country on in-home obedience basics, advanced obedience, as well as educating trainers on how to train effectively using the Perfect Start Technique.  In addition to Obedience and Invisible fence training, Katie also developed and taught a bite prevention class to trainers.


Education Courses Completed with the World Renowned 

Ian Dunbar

Caesar Millan

Fred Hassen


How do I learn how to use the obedience commands with my dog?
On the day of pick-up (after training is completed) you will meet with Katie for about 2 hours for the final consultation. The dog’s entire family/household should be present if possible. During this session each member of the family will be trained with using all commands taught during the training program. Your dog is the easy part; we are as much people trainers as we are dog trainers! Both are as equally important to ensure the success of the training.
How long will the training take?
The short answer: About five weeks. The length of stay of the residency programs depend on a few factors. After the drop off we always give each dog as much time as he or she needs to get acclimated to their new surroundings. It is pertinent to note that COVID has created the necessity for a longer period of adjustment, as many dogs are less socialized secondary to many people working from home and less opportunity for interaction. No training happens on the first day because they are usually so focused on playing with the other dogs and getting used to everything. The pickup date is also not counted because we do an entire training session (usually 2 hours) with you to work on all commands. They are usually SO tired by the end of this that they wouldn’t be able to focus on any other training (it really tires them out mentally). Also, during this time the weather is so unpredictable – when it rains we are unable to set up distractions outside. Of course, the entire stay is included in the original package price – we do not charge extra for any days added on the program due to outstanding circumstances. My goal is to get each dog where they need to be before going home regardless of any extra days that may be included. Our commitment is to have every dog one hundred percent completed to the highest standards, and every dog is different. We have always had a very open acceptance policy for training and do not exclude dogs with behavioral problems and challenging personalities and sometimes the difficulty cannot be predicted. In addition, Katie works exclusively on her own with the exception of logistical assistance. Katie would like to keep this service affordable and we do not want to continually raise prices to try and make this service less and less affordable for Families.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the extreme high demand of this service we are not able to give estimated completion dates. When the dog is finished we will work with you to find a pick up date that aligns  with your schedule.
Why is obedience training so important?
Obedience training is important to you, your family, and your dog. All dogs crave leadership and if there is none (from your dog’s perspective), your dog will assume it’s his/her job to take over this position. This often causes bad manners and behavioral problems. Obedience training establishes leadership and teaches your dog his/her proper place in the family “Pack”. Your dog is actually much happier, and better behaved, when YOU and the other humans in the family are the leaders!

Obedience training gives your dog a “job” to do with mental stimulation. Working with your dog for only 10-15 minutes twice a day is actually more fatiguing for him/her tan an hour of playing in the yard!

Videos of Training

All training programs are completed in high-distraction settings to provide confidence in your dog’s obedience regardless of the situation